Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 is a 18% nickel maraging steel which contains Cobalt as the primary strengthening agent acc. to AMS 6515, MIL-S-46850

Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel - Introduction and Application

Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 is a 18% nickel maraging steel which contains Cobalt as the primary strengthening agent. Maraging 350 has excellent mechanical properties, workability and heat treatment characteristics, cobalt strengthened steel (C-type) with excellent properties, workability and heat treatment characteristics, Maraging is double vacuum melted by VIM (Vacuum Induction Melt) followed by VAR (Vacuum Arc Remelt). Maraging material is supplied in the annealed and descaled condition. The alloy is very tough, relatively soft (RC 30/35), readily machined or formed. Maraging provides a high value for critical parts in aerospace, structural, component and tooling applications.. Maraging 350 is used for missile and rocket motor cases, landing and takeoff gear components, high performance shafting, gears and fasteners.

Melted process


Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel - Chemical composition WT %

GradeChemical Composition WT %
Maraging 350, C350Max 0.03Max 0.10Max 0.10Max 0.01Max 0.0118.504.8012.000.600.100.00300.010.07-0.13
UNS S350000.07-0.110.50-1.25Max 0.50Max 0.04Max 0.034-52.5-3.25

1.6355Max 0.03Max 0.10Max 0.10Max 0.01Max 0.0117-194.8-5.511-130.75-1.100.05-0.15

1.6356Max 0.03Max 0.10Max 0.10Max 0.01Max 0.0117-18.503.0-4.5011.5-13.501.50-2.00Max 0.20

Mechanical Property of Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

Material0.2 % Yield Strength ksiUltimate Tensile Strength ksiElongation in 4D(%)
Maraging 3503303508

Physical Property of Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

Density, lb /in3.292
Modulus of Elasticity29.0 x 10-6 psi
Average Co of Thermal Expansion6.3 x 10-6 in/in/°F

Heat Treatment of Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

Heat Treatment for Aging

TemperatureTimeResulting Hardness
900/925 °F6 hrs55/60 Rc
950 °F3 hrs56/60 Rc

Machining of Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

Maraging 350 Machinability Annealed

OperationTool MaterialTool GeometryDepth of cutWidth of cutFeedCutting SpeedWearlandCutting Fluid
TurningM2 or T-15BR: 0°; SR: 10°
SCEA: 15°; ECEA: 5°
Relief: 5°; NR: 0.030 in
0.060 in--0.009 in/rev80 ft/min0.060 inSoluble oil (1:20)
TurningC3BR: -5°; SR: -5°
SCEA: 15°; ECEA: 15°
Relief: 5°; NR: 0.030 in

--0.009 in/rev4750.010Soluble oil (1:20)
Face millingM2 or M-7AR: 5°; RR: 5°; CA: 45°
ECEA: 10°; CI: 8°
0.0602 in0.005 in/tooth1400.060Highly chlorinated oil
Face millingC2AR: 10°; RR: 0° CA: 45°
ECEA: 10° CI: 8°
0.06020.005 in/tooth3300.015Dry
Peripheral end millingM2Helix Angle: 30°; RR: 10°
CA: 45° x 0.060 in; CI: 7°
0.2500.7500.004 in/tooth2250.012Soluble oil (1:20)
End mill slottingM2Helix angle: 30°; RR: 10°
CA: 45 x 0.060 in; CI: 7°
0.2500.7500.002 in/tooth1400.012Highly chlorinated oil
DrillingM1118° plain point; CI: 7°0.500 (through hole)--0.005 in/rev1000.015Highly sulfurized oil
ReamingM2Helix angle: 0°; CA: 45°
CI: 7°
0.500 (through hole)--0.009 in/rev600.006Highly sulfurized oil
TappingM12 flute plug; 75% thread0.500 (through hole)----150Undersize threadsHighly sulfurized oil

Equivalent grades of Maraging 350, C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000 maraging steel

C350, 1.6355, 1.6356, UNS S35000